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Step 1 - Account


Step 2 - Register as

  • Primary PIC: can be the owner of the business if he is directly involved or someone from a managerial level. Primary PIC controls the workflow and is accountable that other users (SPIC, TC, TE) are updating Foodwatch daily.
  • Secondary PIC: SPIC is responsible for conducting daily inspection, editing establishments data, adding food handlers etc. SPIC must regularly access Foodwatch and is responsible for the data provided.
  • Technical Experts: is a person that has the knowledge and education to train, inspect, audit, consult anything related to food safety. TE’s must provide detailed information about their expertise. Note: Trainer from internal/external training centres are registered as Technical Experts.
  • Technical Contacts: is a person that has the skills to perform a task. E.g.: pest control contractors, water tank cleaning contractors etc.
Please select the user type
 Secondary Person in Charge     Technical contact     Technical expert   
* Company Licence Nr is required.

Step 3 - Personal

 Female     Male   
Get User information by searching using Emirates ID, DOB, and gender.
  • working VISA copy / Ownership docs/Letter from Management

Step 4 - Language

* Please add at least one language skill
Select :
Write :
Read :
Speaks :
Language Speak Read Write Actions

Step 5 - Technical Profile and Training Request

Step 5 - Technical Expert

* Please select degree
* Please add degree subject
* Please add year of completion
* Please add degree university
* Please select country
Add Major
* Please Select Major Type

Add Diploma
* Please add diploma subject
* Please add year of completion
* Please add year of completion
* Please select country

Continuous Professional Development Program
* Please Select Qualification Type
* Please add course title
* Please add No Of Hours
Please add Publisher
Please select Traning provder
Please Select Certification Provider
* Please add Year of completion

* Please add Certification title
* Please select Traning provder
* Please Select Certification provider
* Please add Year of completion
* Please select date of valid until

Add User Experience
* Please add Organisation Name
* Please select Industry Type
* Please Select Role
* Please Select Responsibility
* Please add No of years
* Please add from date
* Please add to date

Add Food Process Familarity
* Please select food process Type
* Please select food process familarity

Add Cuisine Process Familarity
* Please select cuisine process type
* Please select cuisine process familarity

Add Images
* Please select image

Add User Technical Expert Audio
* Please select audio file

Step 6 - Captcha
